Form Due by Friday, February 19, 2021


Dear Supporter,

Thank you so much for your very generous contribution to the Pete Nance Boys & Girls Club Capital Campaign.  You requested the naming opportunity for a specific room/space.

Each donor name recognition sign for a room/space will:

  • be 8” X 11.5”

  • be blue with white lettering

  •  include our Club name, logo, and motto (see example below)

Pete Nance Inside Dedication Draft.jpg
  • have a maximum of 300 characters, including the Club logo, motto, name, punctuation, and spaces which will take 54 characters, leaving a maximum of 246 for donor name(s) and messaging (including punctuation and spaces)

  • be located on the outside wall to the right of a door/entrance to the room/space being named.

In preparation for ordering the signs, please provide in the space below in 246 characters or less the exact name(s) you desire, e.g., O’Neal Family or O’Neal Foundation or Mike & Donna O’Neal, and any additional wording you may desire.